Herbal Studies

One of my dreams is to study with The School of Natural Healing. It's the best herbal school in the US, if not the whole world, because of their strict vitalistic approach. It's exactly their information on h e r b s that has literally saved my life in many cases!

My family has a history of being badly affected by conventional m e d i c i n e. Some of it has worked really great for me but some of them have also done severe damage to my body in many ways as well various members of my family, so for many years now we've had to find alternative ways of treating our i l l n e s s e s and a i l m e n t s. H e r b s have been a serious lifesaver for us throughout the years so I have a really great appreciation for them!!! 

I hope that I can help others to learn more about these amazing plants and their great benefits so they can also find the help they need for their special n e e d s! ♡

If you would like to learn about more about h e r b s for yourself, please stay tuned for my upcoming posts about them! I post about them regularly and share how they have helped me and my family. If you would like to do some extra study I suggest checking out the website below! It's a very extensive collection of studies, testimonials, and explanations of various h e r b s and the specific conditions they can help and how. It's been incredibly helpful for me and I hope it will be for you too! ^^

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