
Hi guys! My name is Bami, and I'm from the USA! ^^

I made this blog to give me a fun and positive hobby while I'm trying to get well from a chronic migraine condition. I've been suffering with this condition for 21 years now, and I'll be honest that it's been very difficult in manys 😅 But trials always lead to positives if we try to endure them well and I feel like I've learned a lot from my experiences, and I know God wouldn't let me suffer all this for no reason, so I don't have any regrets. Somehow things will all work out in the end and I will get back any time and experiences that I lost before. 

Here on this blog I'll be posting mostly about my interests like kpop, cooking, journaling, studying Korean, my favorite animes, my ambient singing channel, the small victories I have with my health and more! 

The name of my blog "Peachi Bam" means Peachy (as in color) and then "Bam" is the Korean word for "night." Since most of my days are spent at home in my room where the fairy lighting is always peachy-pink and I have to rest a lot and stay away from bright lighting (so it's kind of like I live on perpetual night) I felt this name was accurately portray the color and cozy feel of my posts. ^^ 

Of course living with chronic illness and having to be so careful all the time to not hit any triggers is difficult. But I do my best to make the best of it and find joy where I can. 

Thank you for taking the time to read about me and check out my blog! I hope that something I post here might be of help to you in some way!


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