Thursday, March 9, 2023

How To Study The Scriptures Better

Regular scripture study is really important to me. I feel closer to God, more uplifted, more strengthened in doing what's right and more confident that if anyone has any questions about what I believe I will have an easier time answering them. 

But periodically, about every 2 months or so of studying the same way, my brain starts to feel bored and tired. Then I feel kinda discouraged bc I know I don't wanna not study anymore, but I don't always know what to do to study differently that will help my brain engage better. So first, I tend to wind up studying less, bc when your focus is going out, sometimes it's easier to take in less. But then I feel guilty, like I'm copping out and not studying enough. And then I wind up reading only about a verse a day, and feeling even guiltier bc my amount of study has gone down again. However, looking back I can see how that one chapter or verse a day was still affecting me positively and how at times I really was taking in more from that than reading or listening to more material for a longer period of time. So to say that my study switches had been wrong or unprofitable wouldn't be correct. 

The important thing to God is that we are being edified every day and strengthened in His gospel. Since God has taught us repeatedly to "feast" on His words and spend lots of time studying, I'm not saying that short study times where we take in less material are always the best choice or even the one we should choose. But God understands health needs, stress, anxiety, and overwhelming schedules that for the time we don't know how to get out of, and He asks us to do the best we can at each season of our lives to study His scriptures profitably with the time and opportunity that we have. 

The Lord always appreciates our sincere efforts, especially when we try hard when He knows how hard things are for us. He will magnify our efforts and bless us with the edification and spiritual strength that we need, even if we can only study a little for a while. 💛

Having said all that, I want to go back to the point that sometimes we need to change how we study. It may not always be about a time crunch. Sometimes it's just that our brains can really get bored with monotony and so now we need a new approach. It can hard to figure out new ways to study. So, I tried to come up with some ideas that I hope will be helpful if you want to try them.

1.) Focus on writing about what you learned rather than studying a lot by reading or listening to things. Sometimes the Spirit really opens up our minds and hearts to things when we try to write down what we know and feel. We often find that we know even more than we thought too, which is really encouraging. ^^ You could try reading a few verses and then pondering things like: 
• What do these teachings mean to me?
• How do I feel about the person teaching them?
• When have I been able to use these teachings in my own life?
• Where do I feel would like to use these teachings in my life? 
• How would I feel about myself if I deepened my understanding of these teachings and my ability to teach and live them? 
• If I had someone to teach them to, how would I teach them?
• How could I teach these things simply so that even children and people without any gospel background can understand? 
Questions like these will give you a lot of deep things to ponder for quite a while, so your scripture study can still feel full. Even if you are study for a short time, focusing on writing about one or more of these questions can help you feel like you got more out of study time and we're able to imprint more of what you process on your mind so you can carry it better with you throughout your life. ^^

Another activity could be to prepare talks or lesson plans on whatever you study. This will take pondering, research time, and time for writing. It will also help you to feel more confidence in your abilities to teach the gospel when opportunities to do so arise. ^^ It could also help to open your mind if you try to cater your lesson plans and talks to specific types of people. For example~
• My friend _______ is very sensitive due to having been abused her whole life. How can I soften my wording as I teach so that she will comforted and not targeted? What things could I teach her that might bring her comfort and help to restore what's been lost to her through all those years of abuse? How can I assure her that God loves her and is mindful of her sufferings?
It doesn't even need to be a real person you know, you could just imagine someone up. Like:
• Imaginary person "Jack" has had only one friend-his hamster, who died last week and now Jack is devastated and having a hard time finding relief for his weary heart. What can I teach him to help him find hope and comfort? How can I word my teaching in order to best suit his personality? 

Another thing to do is to take time memorizing scriptures and hymns. If you aren't good at memorizing things word-for-word, no pressure. It will probably be easier for you to memorize at least the subject of your favorite scriptures and their reference or the page number and part of the page they're on. You could also take time to tab your scriptures so you can find your favorite verses easily later, or maybe a bookmark listing them that you can easily reference whenever you want or need to. 

Another thing you could do is to make your own recording of the scriptures. Instead of listening to others read them, you can read them!!! You can listen to your own voice showing you how you connect with what's being taught, and find that maybe you want to connect deeper with certain things and read them over and over again, really trying to feel what's being said. You can also gain a greater appreciation for yourself as you play the recordings back and hear your own voice saying sacred and comforting things.
This could also be a good missionary tool. If a friend or family member knows they will be listening to the scriptures in your voice-someone they know and care about-they will likely be more interested in what's being said and pay more attention to it.

A fun idea could also be to make newsletters. Not that you need to share them, but making them as if you were going to share them might help to open up your mind to new insights. Again, you could try catering them to certain people as a way to open up your mind and heart to more of God's children and thus help you to better apply some of His teachings. For example~
• Sister ________ can never come to church because of severe health issues. What things can I fill this newsletter with that might address her needs and concerns? 
You could also try catering the newsletter to yourself and whatever you are going through. This way your study will be educational as well as bring you comfort.

There is no right or wrong way to study the scriptures. It's important to be kind to yourself and remember that everyone learns in their own way. If you have trouble finding a way that's working for you, then take it to God and ask Him to help you find what way or ways will be the most beneficial for YOU. He will help you and He will accept your best efforts along the way. ^^

I really hope this post has been helpful for anyone who is struggling with their scripture reading. If you have any ideas you'd like to share about what's helped you, please comment below. 

Thanks as always for reading, and God bless you all 💖
