
Monday, January 30, 2023

Happy Monday! The 6 Be's ☆

Pres. Hinckley, who was a prophet of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints some years ago now, introduced these 6 Be's in a talk directed to youth as a guide to help them live more focused lives on Jesus Christ and follow His example despite the challenging times in which they live. 

I made this gif of the 6 Be's with little hearts that blink by each one so each one gets a moment of focus. It's the biggest gif I've ever made and I really like how it turned out! Hopefully you will like it too ^^

I'm so grateful for modern day prophets who teach us God's words and lead us in His name just like in times of old! God says He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. His pattern of calling a prophet to lead His true church throughout the ages of the world is such a testament of God's unchanging nature, as well as His unchanging love for His children. He doesn't love any of us more or less than His children before or those to come. We are all equal in His love. 

Something like the 6 Be's from our prophet may seem like a small thing, but each of these Be's is so powerful in focusing us more on righteousness-even if we aren't youth anymore-and as I've held them in my own mind, I have felt myself growing closer to God and becoming more like our dear Savior Jesus Christ. I am so grateful to Him for all of these small and simple but helpful things that He has given and continues to give us through our prophets. I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, amen. 


Sunday, January 22, 2023

Happy Sunday! First Post ♡

Hi everyone! Welcome to my blog Peachi Bam!

"Peachi" represents the peachy colored lighting that you'll see in a lot of my pics-especially pictures taken in my room-and "Bam" is the Korean word for "night." So my blog name basically means "peachy (colored) night." 

I am a chronic illness sufferer who needs a haven of lower light than you'll usually find in other places and homes. Bright light triggers really terrible pain attacks for me that leave my body battered and bruised, and as a result I often need several days to recover. To help me avoid these attacks I decided to use warm Christmas lights to light my room rather than regular light bulbs and the result is a soft, warm, peachy-pinky illumination that thankfully my eyes can handle very well on most days! ^^

Also in an effort to minimize harsh light in my room, I've had to put large, flat cardboard pieces over my windows to keep out the sun. This gives the room a darkened affect even in the day, so that it seems like it's always night. So "Peachi Bam" seemed to sum up my world very well. ^^

While it can be difficult and sad at times to live with this kind of condition, I am grateful at least for the cute and peaceful world I've been able to build for myself in my room over the past few years. If I have to be sick and stuck at home, at least it's in such a nice place. ^^ So I am very grateful to God for that blessing!!! ✨🙏💛✨

I have always loved the light. So having an illness that keeps me from it is really hard sometimes. But thankfully I've learned that I can handle even lighting easier than mid-day lighting. So I can at least go for walks sometimes in the evening during sunset which is one of the most beautiful times of the day!

Taking pics of the sunset is one of my favorite hobbies. Here is a pic I took last year and it's one of my favorites to date. ^^

I believe in God and in His Plan of Happiness for us, His children. I know that God lives and loves us, and that He keeps His promises. I don't know exactly why I have to suffer with this kind of trial, but I know that God has a purpose for it, and that if I endure it well and faithfully He will bless me for it in the end. So I'm doing my best to make the best of my situation and enjoy life where I can, and cherish the beauty I can find. 

That's why I wanted to start this blog. I feel I have been blessed with a lot of beautiful things and I want to write about them and share them with others who they might help. I hope that if you find my blog, the things I share about God and my blessings will help to bring you peace. 💛 

Thank you for stopping by and for reading my post. Happy Sunday to you all! ✨😄✨

Love, Bami*~